Ticketing Training Courses
Course Objective:
The Ticketing Training Course is aimed at equipping the trainees with the proper skills to attain a professional position in the on travel and tourism domain. The ticketing industry demands a greater number of employees every day.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will obtain an accredited certification from the ministry of higher education.
Course Outline:
Introduction to Travel and Tourism
What is travel and tourism?​
Structure of Travel and Tourism
Distribution Channel
​Function of travel agents​
Function of tour operators
Structure of hotel operation​
Classification of the hotels
Explain the rates
Terms and conditions
Modes of transportation used in tourism​
Structure of the airline
Terms and conditions
Ticket rules
Special requests
Tourism Geography
Cultural tourism​
Heritage tourism
Package Production
Work and Life Skills
Managing personal finances​
Exhibiting appropriate work habits and behavior
Self-awareness development
Self-confidence development
Work and Life Skills
What to do when you become negative​?
What to do when others are negative?
Develop individual action plans to achieve a positive attitude
Ticketing on AMADEUS System
Target Audience:
Ticketing/Travel and Tourism Students and Fresh Graduates
Business Owners
For further information and registration, please contact us on:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone Number: 00-961-1-340610
WhatsApp Number: 00-961-81-657222
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