German Language Training Courses
Course Objective:
Leaders Technology Center offers courses in the German Language for those who are willing to use German Language to travel or to work.
Courses start at the A1 level and take students up to through the C2 level of proficiency according to the Common European Basis of References for Languages.
Upon the completion of the German Language Training Course, students will receive a certificate of achievement in the German Language Course accredited from the Ministry of Education.
Level I Courses Outline:
Alphabet Letters
Use of prepositions such as "the" and "a"
Feminine/Masculine nouns
Singular/Plural nouns
Countable/Non-countable nouns
Days of the week and months
Meaning of certain words
Conjugation of verbs (past, present, future)
Numbers from 0 to million (reading and writing)
Reading a text and answer comprehension questions
Self Introduction
Discussing Pictures
Answered Questions
For further information and registration, please contact us on:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone Number: 00-961-1-340610
WhatsApp Number: 00-961-81-657222
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