Autodesk AutoCAD Training Courses
Course Objective:
The Autodesk AutoCAD is a 2D and 3D computer software used in architecture and engineers like civil engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers and others. This software can be used to create 2D drawings and diagrams. In addition, AutoCAD can be used as a base for 3D visualization.
The Autodesk AutoCAD Training Course equips the students with the tools they need to draw proper maps, participants will learn about the tools, drawing objects on layers, publishing, and a lot more. Participants receive a certification accredited by the Ministry of Education upon completing this course.
Course Outline:
Introduction to Autodesk AutoCAD
Set units
Drawing 2D Shapes using line, poly-line, circle, ellipse, arc
Using further commands such as (F) Fillet, (O) Offset, (CO) or (CP) Copy, (MI) Mirror, (RO) Rotate, (EX) Extend, Group & Ungroup
Drawing Furniture’s – 2D such as couch, stools and others
Start Drawing Architecture Plans
Using XL – Horizontal & XL - Vertical
Drawing the outlines of the plan
Creating layers: Partition Walls, Reinforced Concrete Walls, Projection (Stairs, Windows, and Doors), Furniture, Hatch Walls, Hatch Tiles, Annotation, Dimensions, Hidden Lines
Select Image Areas with the Magic Wand Tool
Select Image Areas with the Magnetic Lasso Tool
Modify Selections
Drawing Sections
Drawing a Section from the plan
Drawing cross Sections with details
Drawing Blocks: Create new Blocks
Drawing Stairs
Stairs Architectural Plans with Dimensions and Annotation
Drawing Sections for the stairs, Side View & Front View
Drawing a cross section for the stairs
Drawing Elevations
Drawing Elevation for a building
Drawing an Interior Elevation
Drawing an Interior Plan
Elevation & Section
Target Audience:
Interior Design Students and Fresh Graduates
Interior Design Freelancers
Interior Architectures
Business Owners
Furniture Designers
For further information and registration, please contact us on:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone Number: 00-961-1-340610
WhatsApp Number: 00-961-81-657222
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